Hestra Akka Junior Mitt

Hestra Akka Junior Mitt

449,00 DKK


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Helags Ecocuir Jr. is a long winter glove for young explorers. A junior version of Hestra’s popular Helags design with hardwearing materials and a removable wool liner that keeps hands comfortably warm. A long cuff with a snowlock stops snow getting in and a Velcro strap adjusts the width round the wrist. The outer glove is sewn in hardwearing, weather-resistant Ecocuir cowhide, tanned without using chrome or synthetic dyes. The backhand is in cotton/polyester fabric, waxed to create a surface that withstands wind and moisture. A hardwearing, comfortable winter companion for skiing, outdoor activities and everyday outdoor play.


2: 2-3 ukiulinnut

3: 4-5 ukiulinnut

4: 6-7 ukiulinnut

5: 8-9 ukiulinnut

Angissutsiminnut mikisinnaapput.



2: 2-3 år

3: 4-5 år

4: 6-7 år

5: 8-9 år

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